Finance Dashboard

Full-Stack Finance Dashboard App | React 18 | Typescript | Mui Material | Redux Toolkit | Recharts | MongoDB

Used API's and Libraries
  • React v18
  • Typescript
  • Mui Material
  • Emotion
  • Recharts
  • Mongo DB
  • React Router v6
  • Redux Toolkit
  • Express js

Full-Stack React / Typescript Dashboard App that is fully responsive, having Dark/Light theme, styling done through Mui and Emotion, implemented Recharts for rendering the graphs, User-Authentification (Sign-IN/Sign-UP). Server running on Node JS, supported by Express.js. JWT and Bcrypt.Database for storing the data - MongoDB. Data Schemas-Mongoose. Deployment: Client-Vercel, For listing other used dependenies visit package.json at project github page.